Saturday, July 23, 2011

Newborn booties

These booties were so easy to knit and look so cute! They were made following a pattern called 'Saartje's bootees' from - the pattern is also available for free on the Ravelry website. The only slightly tricky bit was making the button loops as that bit wasn't described in the pattern. I just used a crochet hook to make a chain of stitches to create the loop. I'm sure it could be done in a neater way but that was the first idea that came to me, and I was dying to finish off the booties! They are definitely newborn size - very tiny, much smaller than the usual booties I have made in the past. These ones measure 7cm from toe to heel along the sole. I'm sure I will be making more of these!

I also received a lovely present in the mail this week from my crafty Aunt M...a cross-stitched picture of a scientist bear. Very cute and particularly meaningful since my PhD involved bear genetics and evolution! It's now sitting up on my bookshelf keeping some of my other bears company.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Craft & Garden Update

Things have again been very busy the last few weeks. The biggest news is that J's sister's baby was born, she had a little girl called Jasmine who is gorgeous. So I was able to finish off the green vest/dress I had been knitting for the baby by sewing on some cute flower buttons.
I've also made some progress with my crochet granny squares for the blanket I'm making...I've completed 7 squares now. I haven't calculated how many squares I'll actually need to make a blanket in case that freaks me out. But it's a good project that I can keep making squares for slowly in between other projects, eventually I'll have enough to stitch them all together into a blanket :-)
On the gardening front I have decided that in Spring I'll try to plant a few more unusual vegies in my garden, rather than just growing things that are readily and/or cheap to buy at the local shops. It makes it more fun to grow something a bit different anyway. So I ordered a few interesting packets of organic seeds from Green Harvest . My collection of seeds arrived the other day, including purple dragon carrots, scarlet runner beans, purple-podded peas and a colour mix of carrots that include red, white, orange and purple skinned varieties! Should be some fun and colourful times in my garden soon...pity I have to be patient and wait until spring to plant them!! I also made a homemade hand scrub which is meant to be great for cleaning dirt off your hands after playing in the garden. The hand scrub is made from 1/4 cup dried lavender (from my friend Hannah's parents garden), 1 cup coarse/rock sea salt, 1/2 cup oil. I found the original recipe on this blog, but as I couldnt find any of the coconut oil they suggested, I just used cheap baby oil and that seems to work well. It smells divine.