Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Nanna Blanket is finished at last! :-)

Since the weather has been stinking hot this weekend (39C Sat, 42C Sun and meant to be 39C again tomorrow) I have spent most of the weekend indoors trying to avoid the heat. So although I hate this kind of heat, it does have benefits as I could do some craft without feeling like I should be up and doing something else! So I finally finished the last square of my Nanna blanket, and stitched all the rows together and wove in the loose ends :-) I'm very happy with it even though it's way to hot to use it at the moment apart from taking a quick photo!

I also finally decided to unravel my 'woodland' jelly roll of quilt fabric (see pic). I'm thinking of making my first quilt as a practise run, and if that is successful then I will plan to make a king sized quilt using different colours for the new bed that my partner and I have just ordered. I've got a great book "Jelly Roll Quilts" by Pam & Nicky Lintott, and I'm thinking of trying the 'bars of gold' quilt first.


  1. Is the book good? I went and bought a few jelly rolls in the sales and plan to do a table runner but I'd love to do a full size quilt for our bed but want some inspiration first. I don't know how you could finish off a blanket in this heat. I'm melting!

  2. Hi Sarah, lovely to catch up and congratulations on your Ph.D. Love your craft work.
    I am now following so I should be able to catch up faster than before.
    So impressed by your jam-making, too. Love M.

  3. Hi Kira,
    I think the book is pretty good, but since I havent actually made a quilt yet I can't really talk from experience. It has some lovely pictures in it and some of the quilts look fairly simple. The book was recommended to me by another friend who just started quilting a year or so ago, and she's made a couple of quilts from it. The thing that annoys me about the book is trying to modify the patterns to make larger quilts. It has all the final dimension measurements in inches which makes it hard to know from the instructions whether the quilt is for a single bed, queen bed, baby crib etc unless you get out a measuring tape.

  4. Thanks M,
    I am so glad the PhD is finished!! Thanks for your nice words. I mainly just post my craft things here so i can keep track of what I'm making and how long things take to make. It's fun looking back at the craft projects too. It's also nice when you realise other people are looking at them too and like them :-) So thank you. :-)
