Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter long weekend

How great to have a 4-day weekend!! If only every week was followed by 4-day weekends...
I've spent most mornings over Easter catching up with friends, and then afternoons or evenings crafting - it's been lovely.

I didn't manage to complete any projects, but I did make some progress on a few different things I'm working on, and even started another knitting project (an infinity scarf)! I know I should really concentrate on finishing my (multiple) works-in-progress before moving on to yet another project but I just couldn't help myself. Here's some pictures of the three projects I have been working on at various stages throughout the long weekend:

1) My queen-sized Pandora's box quilt: Feels like it's starting to come together at last, now I have begun stitching the squares together (28 so far).

2) Slow progress on knitting my first pair of's going quite well, but the yarn and needles are so fine it is taking a long while and requires a lot of concentration.

3) My new project: an infinity scarf made using my favourite yarn of all time (Manos del Uruguay - silk blend). This was yarn I bought from Purl Soho when I went to New York about this time last year. This particular colour is called 'wildflowers', and is a lovely mix of pinks, greens, cream and light blue. As the yarn is so colourful I really just wanted to make a simple scarf without any complex stitches or ribbing, so I have chosen to knit in garter stitch on 4.5mm needles. This is much easier to knit than the socks, and can be done while watching a DVD. I dug out my David Attenborough "Life" DVD series this weekend and have been watching a few episodes while knitting. David Attenborough docos are the best!