Thursday, July 7, 2011

Craft & Garden Update

Things have again been very busy the last few weeks. The biggest news is that J's sister's baby was born, she had a little girl called Jasmine who is gorgeous. So I was able to finish off the green vest/dress I had been knitting for the baby by sewing on some cute flower buttons.
I've also made some progress with my crochet granny squares for the blanket I'm making...I've completed 7 squares now. I haven't calculated how many squares I'll actually need to make a blanket in case that freaks me out. But it's a good project that I can keep making squares for slowly in between other projects, eventually I'll have enough to stitch them all together into a blanket :-)
On the gardening front I have decided that in Spring I'll try to plant a few more unusual vegies in my garden, rather than just growing things that are readily and/or cheap to buy at the local shops. It makes it more fun to grow something a bit different anyway. So I ordered a few interesting packets of organic seeds from Green Harvest . My collection of seeds arrived the other day, including purple dragon carrots, scarlet runner beans, purple-podded peas and a colour mix of carrots that include red, white, orange and purple skinned varieties! Should be some fun and colourful times in my garden soon...pity I have to be patient and wait until spring to plant them!! I also made a homemade hand scrub which is meant to be great for cleaning dirt off your hands after playing in the garden. The hand scrub is made from 1/4 cup dried lavender (from my friend Hannah's parents garden), 1 cup coarse/rock sea salt, 1/2 cup oil. I found the original recipe on this blog, but as I couldnt find any of the coconut oil they suggested, I just used cheap baby oil and that seems to work well. It smells divine.

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